Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TWD Buttery Jam Cookies



Another hesitant recipe - almost skipped it, but then would have felt bad because at least last week, I had a really good reason - the stomach flu made the rounds. 

So, pushing out of my chocolate comfort zone I braved the newest TWD recipe knowing full well my family is a firm believer the less ginger the better.

I followed the recipe exactly except I used strawberry jam instead of the suggested apricot. 


The verdict: YUMM!  BUT there's no way in this world I could get 70 cookies from this recipe - not like we need 70 cookies anyway!

BTW - I received a great package from my TWD swap partner!  HOW FUN!!!  It's so nice to get mail, fun mail - not bills. I can't wait to try the recipe she sent me.



Engineer Baker said...

Chocolate comfort zone? Yeah, I guess I have one of those too... :) The cookies had to be *tiny* to get the recommended 40-50, I agree. Glad you liked them!

Peggy said...

Glad you liked these. We loved them, but they won't satisfy a chocolate craving for sure. :)

Kimberly Johnson said...

Your cookies look fantastic! Glad you liked them.

Danielle said...

I am glad you liked these. I thought they were ok :} Your cookies do look pretty.

Jules Someone said...

Glad you enjoyed them. Need 70 cookies? Need is so subjective.

TeaLady said...

Cookies look yummy! Nice job.

Bungalow Barbara said...

I really liked these, to my surprise! In fact, I made them again using more jam and some chopped dried apricots. I did get about 50 of them but I made them really small.